Friday, July 8, 2011

the story so far...

It's been five months since my last entry...

Got a new gig on the radio every weekday from 1am-5am and I must say it has been fulfilling, mind-blowing and sometimes explosive.
The basis of the show is "TRANSFORMATION" and as the name implies, we seek to transform people, one life at a time. How else can we have a better Nigeria if we do not have better Nigerians? It is a motivational/inspirational show which focuses on relationships, people building, careers and the family unit as a whole.
You will be shocked at the number of people who are struggling with issues like low self esteem, abuse, mediocrity and even some have contemplated suicide.

I usually get a lot of testimonies after the show, but the one that touched me the most was a young man who called to say he was just about to commit suicide when he listened to the show and had a re-think. He found a new lease on life and has chosen to take life one day at a time.
I was in awe of course, because I wasn't expecting the show to be that huge. I've had people send me mails saying their lives have become more meaningful and better since they started listening to the show. Some others have had the strength to get out of bad relationships, some who had given up on love have started believing again, and people just have a healthier image of themselves and have built integrity to do what is right even in the face of adversity. A new Nigeria really is emerging. I can feel it in my bones.

I cannot take credit for all that happens on the show though. I wish i could actually, but most times when i play back the things said or the advise given, i know beyond a shadow of doubt that it's the power of a greater being. If only i could convert all the prayers and "God bless you's" i get on the show, I should be a millionaire by now. LOL!!!

It pays to allow God lead you know. When I got moved to this shift, I thought it was the end of my career in radio. I cried and asked God what kind of demotion this was. To come all the way from prime-time belt to the graveyard shift, but after much tears and worry, I decided to let go and let God.

Now, I'm the better for it. Do i want to go back to the morning show? Heavens NO!!! The impact I have on this show is a million times more than I ever achieved in over a year of side kicking. I wouldn't give that up for the world.

I'm living my dream. I always wanted to be on the radio not to become a celebrity (and I still do not see myself as one), but to affect lives positively. I am fulfilled. If I do this for the rest of my life without pay, no doubt I would still be a successful young woman.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

it's been long overdue...

The year 2011... the month of February... i'm single, not lonely, not searching and very happy. lemme tell you why.

i made a commitment to God that this year will be all about getting to know what makes Him tick, what puts a smile on His face, and what pleases Him. enough of all the worrying, the fretting, the impatience and even snatching things away from him when i think he's being too slow to respond (a.k.a the "do-it-myself" syndrome).
being a christian isn't the easiest thing in the world. as much as we are made to believe that we won't struggle, or as much as we are made to believe that once we ask for something we'll get it, bla bla bla... doesn't work darling. the life of a christian is the hardest thing to live because you are trying so hard to let go of yourself in order to be more like Him, but then with worldly pleasures, external factors and every other thing that seems to be working against you, sometimes you just want to throw in the towel and give up.
and you know what? i gave up a lot of times. i couldn't understand why my story always seemed different and why i never seemed to get it right. ok, enough of the long gist.
i got tired of struggling and making mistakes. i got tired of always wanting God to do something for me and not thinking of what i can do for Him in return, i got tired of always being on the edge and getting very impatient and touchy with very little and irrelevant things. i got tired of playing "God" in my life and i knew that it was time to let the one who created me take the wheels, and that's exactly what i've decided to do this year.
how do i plan on doing this? worship more...i have worship songs everywhere...from my car to my phones to my bedroom, and ever so often i turn it on and just sing along and allow His Spirit minister to me. i'm spending more time in prayer, consciously making time for it rather than the 5 minute mumble i was fond of. fasting... not something i know how to do very well, but i'm making an effort and hoping to fast at least every other month. not just because i want an answer to my prayers, but just to toughen my spirit man and to train my spirit to be more "Holy Spirit Conscious". i've learned also to chill out on the father give me rants and just generally ask Him to teach me how to please him, because when my ways please Him even my enemies will be at peace with me. and of course, if i seek his kingdom and its righteousness, you know what comes next dontya???

all in all, it's working perfectly. i'm happy, at peace, not struggling, not worrying, not fretting, and I AM SOOOOOOO LOVING IT!!!!